Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My dog is very jealous of our new cat, and she barks at her and scares her. will they ever get along

we have had our dog (pug) for 7 years and she is spoiled rotten!! but she loves cats-just not in her home.. i thought it would be nice for her to have a friend to grow old with. our cat is 2 years old-lovely girl but she hides a lot and wont come in certain rooms because of the dog. we did the slow introduction and still keep the dog on the leash sometimes and try to give equal love to both but its making me crazy!! my dog wont let up on the cat-i keep saying it will take time but how much what if it never gets any better??!! no wonder my hair is grey!!! HELP

My dog is very jealous of our new cat, and she barks at her and scares her. will they ever get along!!??

I would not worry so much-I found a little kitten in the rain a few night's ago and brought the poor little thing home -What I do is scent change. I rub the scent of my dog all over the kitten,then I rub the scent of the kitten on my dog and believe it or not it really works! Now the two of them are playing all the time.they even eat together. So try the scent change it could not hurt! BY doing this they could become best friend's and your hair could not become a beautiful grey!!! (haaaaa)

My dog is very jealous of our new cat, and she barks at her and scares her. will they ever get along!!??

You do not say how long you have been trying to get them together. If they are newly acquainted, it could take up to two weeks. If it has already been longer than that, then you could intervene. Just every time that the dog barks at the cat, tell him no in a stern voice. Be consistent and do it every time. Maybe after a while of him seeing that you do not like it, he will let up.

My dog is very jealous of our new cat, and she barks at her and scares her. will they ever get along!!??

i heard vaseline on the nose keeps them from being able to smell the problem (if you know what i mean)

the animals can smell each other therfore hide the smell

ask vet first

My dog is very jealous of our new cat, and she barks at her and scares her. will they ever get along!!??

Well it all really depends on your dog. You may want to try giving your cat something to get her scent on and then giving it to your dog. Then slowly introduce them to each other, but keep your dog on her leash until you are comfortable letting her off. Another thing is let your cat loose in a room where you are holding your dog and pet your dog not the cat. This will let your dog know that she is still number one. Good luck!!!

My dog is very jealous of our new cat, and she barks at her and scares her. will they ever get along!!??

Just give her time. Pretty soon the cat will scare her instead.

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