Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

mine was a hedgehog, in pyjamas, and he used to have brown soft hair.. funny now because his hair is grey LOL, and his name is hoggy

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

well the 1st teddy that I remember was given to me on my 7th Christmas he was called ted - my mum had knitted a jumper for him, it was red with a gold S for my initial - so i called him superted! He was a proper teddy with movable arms and legs and he was nice Blondie colour, he had a bell stitched into his ear (which took me 2 years to work out where the bell was)

He is my treasure, and at 36 I still have him, he sits on a chaise lounge in the bedroom! He is in perfect nick although no red jumper! I might ask my mum to knit a new 1!

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Toony (a panda). No meaning.x

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Never had a teddy bear or a dolly...booo hooo perhaps thats why I'm like the way I am.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

iziah....because he had one eye higher than the other....a little brown scruffy looking teddy from Germany

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?


What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

it was a brown bear it was the only one my dad could find when i was born in the shops i still have it

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

a care bear called lovey loo

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

I still have my first teddy, I was given him the first day I was born just a few days short of 51 years ago, his name is Archie, he has one eye missing and his leg has been sewn back on a few times but hes mine and I love him.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

never had one...and i cant stand stuffed toys now so wouldnt want one....

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Mine is called Elfred, he is 43 years old and was given to me by my aunt/godmother (now deceased)

He is not very posh, he just came from a department store. He is very tatty now, with only one eye, no nose ~ but they bell in his ear still works.

He is very special to me and I would NEVER part with him

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Never really go into them! I had a blanket for years though. It was called Biddy. I liked tying knots in it for some reason.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

A little brown bear with a camoflage bandana around his neck. I called him Talky-Tame. He didn't talk. He didn't do anything. No clue why I named him that.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

i had on when i was very young called fred the ted

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

a Rottweiler

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Neddy. My mum made him. He was white and he wore turquoise dungarees that she made out of my big sisters left over school uniform material. I screamed my eyes out when she washed him in the twin-tub, and then she pegged him on the line by his ears!!!

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

a brown and white bear .....called Boaby !

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

My first teddy was white and called (predictably enough) Snowy. I;ve still got him - 37 years old this year (sad)

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

mine was a small raccoon kinda looking teddy. his name was racky. my aunt got me it when i was born and i had it till i was about 13 i think.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

His name was Bear and he was really really big. He was given to me when I was a baby, but my evil mother killed him when I was 12 she said he was falling apart and the ***** killed him.

To this day I make sure to remind her about it and I tell her that when she is too old to take care of herself, I will be the one who decides her fate.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

A big brown one called Bunkers!

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Oh gosh!... Thats was a long time ago. but I do remember that my first teddy bear was triple the size of me and fuzzy with pink fur and a red velvet bow around the neck. That eyes were black little beady eyes. I hugged it when I was sad and used as a bed/pillow sometimes to watch tv or take a nap, LOL! Hope you can remeber yours as well as mine. :)

Merry Christmas and God Bless to all

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

Mine was a golden brown furred one and his name was Bonzo.

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

...Blue Ted....suffice to say he was blue....

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

His name was BabyMine ( as in the song from Dumbo) he was given to me 50 years ago I still have him and I still love him

What was your first teddy bear? and what was its name?

you know i can't remember it was a big monkey but i cn't think of his name

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