Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from m

When their hear first beats?

When thier brain forms?

When they can survive out side of the womb?

When they are Born?

When they can crawl?

When they can walk?

When they have all of thier teeth?

When they are fully physically mature?

When they are fully emotionally mature?

When they reach their physical peak?

When their hair starts turning grey or falling out?

When their bodies begin to deteriorate?

When they have difficulty walking?

When their memories start to fail?

When their adult teeth start falling out?

When their bones become brittle?

When they die?

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

When it's born.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

If you want the biblical answer, it's at birth or first breath.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

It depends on how you are measuring the standard. Religiously or medically?

Many different religions set the standard at different places. Some at conception. Some at first breath. Some when the soul enters. But since the law can't pick which religion is correct, there needs to be some other objective standard.

Enter medicine. And we don't even need to go to "fully developed". The most logical point that an unborn can be considered an independent life is when it can exist independently. That's the point of viability, when the unborn can exist outside the womb, independently of the mother, even if with medical help.

And that's where most laws currently draw the line, by the way.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

When they are conceived.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

When their mother says so.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

I'm a mother. I felt my son's prescence at conception. If you want to stop abortions you have to separate the prolife movement and the other moral majority nonsense. You will have to accept that there'd be alot more single mothers and they will need your help. There will be alot more poor people having kids they can't afford and so on. So be willing to put your money where your mouth is. Less abortion means more social security style programs and less foreign spending.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

thats the contreversy. i't mater witch state u live in. Many consider an abortion murure if it is done after the second trimester begins. but if you are a hard core christian, just as soon as it was conceived. But dont think so much about it, it will work it's self out. there are other options.

Pro-choicers: When is a human being fully developed (and therefore worthy of legal protection from murder)?

When it can survive out of the womb on its own...or when the mother says it is.

When do you think.

When the placenta is formed?

When the they implant in the uterus?

When the zygote divides once?

When the egg is fertilized?

When the sperm enter the uterus?

When the penis enters the vagina?

When the panties come off?

When the belt buckle hits the floor?

On the way back from the restaurant?

After the first glass of wine?

On the way to the restaurant?

When the couple meet?

Since I have no womb MY opinion really doesn't matter.

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