Thursday, June 17, 2010


why do people say their hair will go grey when theyre stressed out?

how is this?!lol


Smoking causes gray hair

TRUE: According to J. G. Mosley of the Leigh Infirmary in Lancashire, England in an article in Science News (January 11, 1997) smokers are four times more likely to have gray hair than non-smokers. Even worse, smoking has been conclusively linked to accelerated hair loss.


I don't think it does. I guess it can happen to older people. Lol.


no.. people who aren't stress hair grows.. if your stress causes to lose hair


Stress can put years on you and make you haggard if you worry too much


There is a chemical in-balence.


not possible lol.

you gotta be old. not sure, but you got to be old.


I guess it's because its linked to age. If you are stressed you feel like you are aging quicker or feeling old and therefore going grey.

Same sort of comment like "you'll be the death of me!"


I think it may be true. Shock must affect the healthy growth of normal hair, so it loses its pigment. So many people dye their hair today so you do not know who has gone grey EARLY!

Today I saw a couple with 2 toddlers and I thought the dad must be grandad, as he was a white haired, but he was their dad - kids are stressful!


Stress makes people age faster and can not only make hair turn gray sooner than it should, but can make it fall out, can cause wrinkles and a whole other list of health problems. It's important not to let yourself get too stressed out and learn to relax.


not only we getting older, cause of stress, the foods we eat,shampoo we used


Definitely you do not have to be old for your hair to gray. Hair is the color that it is due to pigments. Lack of a pigment causes your hair to be gray or white. When you are stressed your body may not make the appropriate amount of pigment to properly color your hair, hence the idea that being stressed can turn your hair gray.


get a dog.


It is not a known scientific fact, it just seems that when one is, more grey comes out in ones hair. Weird, I know....also old school


some poor sods go Gray really early it,s just in their genes cant be helped


it is true but not so much stressed if some body has a very bad shock bad news ect that kind of thing the body goes into over drive thus this causing grey hair and basic ageing its to do with blood pressure to this causes grey hair as the drugs age you ect

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