The week of Oct. 1 is Spirit Week. I only need help with 2 outa the 5 days. They are pajama/crazy hair day and spirit day. Any ideas??
For pajama day, I am wearing grey-ish pj pants with teal hearts and idk what shirt. How should I do my hair.??
Spirit day, our colors are purple and yellow. Ideas?
Spirit Day? Yellow and Purple?
This week is spirit week for my school. Tomorrow I am going to wear a purple and gold shirt, a skirt, purple and gold beads and earrings one purple and one gold high socks and a pair of flip flops with half of my hair purple and the other half gold. And to top it all off, I am going to wear the two black football lines on my face.
Spirit Day? Yellow and Purple?
haha this week was spirit week for us and tonight is homecoming. Well we had different days then you do we had like 4 themes but since tonight was homecoming alot of people like dressed in our school colors and some people dies their hair our school colors and stuff and wrote like on themselves. For spirit day you and some friends die your hair purple and yellow and wear a bunch of beads that are blue and yellow and wear high socks one blue and one yellow and then just like wear a pair of shorts and wear a purple shirt and then if you want to write on your face or whatever
Spirit Day? Yellow and Purple?
my school has the same colors! Wicked awesome. For pajama day, do your hair in a pony tail(messy would be nice), then for crazy hair day, do left side of hair up in side pony and right side very curly. Works every time, plus it's pretty stylish. =]
Have a great week !
Spirit Day? Yellow and Purple?
You should try to like spike it up or something
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